BEST CONSULTING SERVICESAND SUPPORT FOR YOUR CHILDThe mission of Learning Liaisons, LLC is to provide support and services to individuals who have special needs and their families.
We ensure that each family, each child, each case is given individualized attention, support and case management.PUTTING YOUR CHILD'S NEEDS FIRST
Lets work together!

We listen to and clarify client concerns about the child. We will need to be able to understand what you are looking to get out of our sessions, and in return we will make sure your child receives the care and attention they deserve.
Action Plan
Together we will develop an action plan and prioritize outcomes for your child. Having a plan in place will ensure that we are on the same page about next steps.
Gather Information
At Learning Liaisons, we take the time to learn about your child and get to know them. We review and organize relevant documents, research information that will be specific to the child's needs, and conduct classroom observations.
Support System
Learning Liaisons provides support and advocacy at meetings. We support teachers and support staff in implementing the plan.
Marcy – Westminster
Robin Farinholt has been my grands Advocate since Elementary School. She’s now in middle school and continues to strive since Robin’s input and unwavering support! Had it not been for Robin I know my Grand would not be benefitting from the many school assisted programs she has put in place for her. I will continue on with Robin through High School too, for her services are not only reasonable and fair they produce RESULT’S! She’s an absolute jewel!!!! If you need someone to fight vigorously for your child ROBIN FARINHOLT IS YOUR GO TO GAL!! I HIGHLY RECOMEND HER SERVICES
Janice – Westminster
Thank you so very much! After a two year struggle with school administrators, you were the much needed “push” to help our son.
Katie – Manchester
Robin is saving the world – one IEP meeting at a time.
Casey – Westminster
Thank you for your help and support. You are awesome!
Amy – Phoenix
Robin takes all the fear out of IEP meeting and always makes sure my child’s needs are put first.
Thank you for all of your invaluable help this year. We wouldn’t have been able to get through all those 504 & IEP meetings without your help!
David was your the first child you helped through Learning Liaisons. I wanted you to see his accomplishments. Forever grateful!” This was included in an invitation to David’s Eagle Scout ceremony.